
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Household pets and sickness

I am not one to have a pet in my house let alone sleep with me in my bed but do understand those that do. I myself grew up with pets and have had many wonderful pets in our family.  I have no issues with people that keep their animals in the house or if they choose in their room.  But....

I was listening to a radio show today and they mentioned something about pets and sicknesses.  Now I know everything we hear on the radio we cannot take for gospel...that I know. They talked about some people who had many bouts of strep throughout the year and the fact the this person walked their dog daily then the dog came in the house.  The doctor suggested she clean the dogs paws after each walk..which she more strep...hmmm

Then other cases of some people that were very sick and could not figure out where it was coming from until a doctor again asked them to have a test of the dogs nostrils...yup....same bacteria they was being passed on to them. Probably through letting the dog lick or kiss them.

Then my ears really went up when they mentioned babies, sickness and pets.

That brings me to this, how many times have we or do we (those that have pets) allow our cute little dog/cat to climb upon our children's lap and lick their face or hands.  I know my kids love the neighborhood pets and love to pet or pick them up.  I try to have them wash their hands immediately afterwards and will do so now. 

I know we can not live in a bubble but I think, especially with babies or those with compromised health conditions,  should be cautious and aware of the what we allow around them. 

This I know is not scientific just something to think about!

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