
Friday, November 25, 2011


As I look back at this year, remembering the wonderful births I was a part of, I can still say I am happy to be a Birth Doula still. The births were few this year but the ones I took part in were wonderful. The miracle of birth is still there, the strength of these moms to bring a bundle of joy into this world is still there, the fantastic looks upon the parents faces as they see their baby for the first!! I love all of it! yes even the numerous phone calls...or lack thereof sometimes....the lack of sleep and sometimes food.

I love to get the Christmas Cards year after year and see these babies grow up.  I love the invitations to the first birthday parties when they say...Look baby...This was your doula too!!

I am looking forward to 2012 and the births I may get to be a part of and the lives of parents I may get to touch more even just a moments time. 

This is the first year in many years that I have had the holiday's off. I am thankful for that as the end of this year year was a little rough with sick family matters I needed to tend to. Now that things may be settled I can shift a bit of my focus back onto birthing moms and their families.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Incredibly Busy Tuesday

All I can say is wow. In the time I have been a doula I have never had this happen to me. On Tuesday, I had two mommies go into labor around the same time.  Luckily, they were at the same hospital

I took a client at the last min. knowing they needed help. I couldn't stand the fact that would enter into this incredible journey and not have enough information. They were due the beginning of Aug (as in the 1st of Aug). I knew this was quite late to get on board but my feeling was better late than never. I am glad they finally reached out.

My other client whom I contracted with months ago and have followed her birth closely was doing great but not due until September 2 (September 12 according to her Dr..Mom knew without a doubt the day).  I really had no thought that she would go this early.

I mean what are the odds one would be 2 weeks late and the other 2 weeks early (or 4 according to her Dr). I have to say I was somewhat relieved when Sept 2nd baby delivered extremely quick. A beautiful healthy 5lb 10oz baby girl.

By the time this birth ended the others were admitted and things were very slow giving me time to run two doors down as they tried to rest for some moments.

Later that evening, a healthy 9lb 15oz baby boy was delivered to his tired but very happy parents. 

After carefully and slowly making my way home and grabbing a cold drink....I cried with overwhelming joy of ok yes complete and utter tiredness but also being able to be a part of two births with parents who put enough trust in me to support them through this wonderful journey into parenthood.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

A Praying Doula

I have said this many times before...I love being a Doula.  The fact that I am able to give support in many differnt area...and actually make a differnce is such a GREAT BIG reward for me.  Once again I was able to not only give support but a little..or a lot more.

Let me start client is not due until August 2nd.  I have recieved great updates from the prenatal visits...all is well and on tartget.  Great!!

On Tuesday, after leaving a prayer meeting ( I am a Christian ) I ran some errands and found that I had to run to a nother city 40 min away to get an item. Needless to say I was not happy but did it anyways.  As I was leaving the store my clients called and said during a routine appointment preeclamsia was found and on the very high side.  They were rushing her to another hospital via ambulance so could I come.  Where are you I asked?  Guess? The same city I was in just down the street? 

Of course I went and when arrived saw the look of total fear on her face.  Tears streaming down her face I asked if I could pray for them (they are also Chrisitan). They said yes.  The Drs told them the baby would be delivered at the other hospital. Of course she was scared. I did my best with words and my knoweledge to calm her. We joined together in prayer believing that it would be done and all would be well.  The ambulance attendants asked us to go ahead as they were going "Lights and Sirens" and we couldn't keep up. That did not help calm her one bit!  I just kept saying just believe! We prayed..He heard!

Long story short....I stayed 2 hours with them at the new hospital prior to leaving.  At that time her BP was perfect They later called with good news. BP still good and levels of protein had decreased. They kept her for observation and the next day was "Go home enjoy you pregnancy but rest". No worries here. 

Needless to say they were beyond happy knowing she would be able to carry the baby a while longer. 

I usually do not bring my faith into my work....unless they ask or request a Christian.  This time I am glad that we took the time to pray and believe. 

I can say I am proud to be a Christian Doula

Saturday, February 19, 2011


What a great birth! I am again very blessed to have been able to be part of a couples birth.  Mom was such a trooper and her strength amazed me.  She focused really well and took in all the advice I was gave to her. 

In the beginning I told them I thought it would be all afternoon that we would be laboring. I WAS WRONG!. She progressed much faster than I thought and in less then 45 min. advanced from a 6 to a 10. The nurse was rushing to put everything together...guess she thought the same thing:).  With one push there came a wonderful baby girl. I think all were amazed at how quick it happened.

The parents were very well pleased and much happiness was in the air!.

Another surpise came as they weighed the bundle of joy. Weighing in at 9 lbs 2 oz. :).

All in all I am happy for the parents and their new baby girl. 

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Days to go

Here we go once again playing the waiting game.  We have not yet reached the due date (a few days away) but the anxiety is here. I too remember those last few days,if not weeks.  You are tired and ready to be delivered of this bundle of joy.

I did an acuprssure session today and will do another tomorrow.  Hopefully with their last "date night" out tonight it will bring a little more relaxation and allow the thoughts to move onto something else other than " PLEASE LET LABOR BEGIN".

My sleeping patterns must change and tonight as I cannot seem to fall asleep before midnight.  Should the baby come in the next day or two, I may be one tired Doula.  Guess I better start drinking my energy drinks.:)

Off I go now to run my errands in the event I cannot make it to the kids valentines school party. 

Pray for her sake, not mine, that labor comes quick and easy.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Household pets and sickness

I am not one to have a pet in my house let alone sleep with me in my bed but do understand those that do. I myself grew up with pets and have had many wonderful pets in our family.  I have no issues with people that keep their animals in the house or if they choose in their room.  But....

I was listening to a radio show today and they mentioned something about pets and sicknesses.  Now I know everything we hear on the radio we cannot take for gospel...that I know. They talked about some people who had many bouts of strep throughout the year and the fact the this person walked their dog daily then the dog came in the house.  The doctor suggested she clean the dogs paws after each walk..which she more strep...hmmm

Then other cases of some people that were very sick and could not figure out where it was coming from until a doctor again asked them to have a test of the dogs nostrils...yup....same bacteria they was being passed on to them. Probably through letting the dog lick or kiss them.

Then my ears really went up when they mentioned babies, sickness and pets.

That brings me to this, how many times have we or do we (those that have pets) allow our cute little dog/cat to climb upon our children's lap and lick their face or hands.  I know my kids love the neighborhood pets and love to pet or pick them up.  I try to have them wash their hands immediately afterwards and will do so now. 

I know we can not live in a bubble but I think, especially with babies or those with compromised health conditions,  should be cautious and aware of the what we allow around them. 

This I know is not scientific just something to think about!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

To Recertify or not

This is the year I must recertify with DONA. I have been debating on if it is better to do it or not.  I have tried to keep track of where my clients have found me. Mostly it is the VFDC in our area or by word of mouth. 

Last year I only took 4 births.  Is it worth it for me to recert?. I am still a Doula and follow what I have been taught and believe in the support that every birthing mother should have.  I would do nothing different without a certification from DONA.  I just do not know.

I guess I will have to see what parents think about hiring a Doula without a certification.  I am still DONA trained and keep up on reading and things to enhance by practice.  I guess I feel it crazy after 25+ births I would need to get 3 more births signed off.  Have I not proven my worth already? 

This is the question of the week.  I would no be able to use this upcoming birth because I have not ordered my packet to re-certify so I would need 3 birth by November of this year and if things are like last year....well...I may not get them anyways..

I better makeup my mind and fast I suppose.

Monday, January 10, 2011


This is now the time where my sleeping patterns begin to change.  Hopefully that is!.  Trying to take mid afternoon naps is not always easy.  I am trying hard not to get sick now.  For the next month I must stay healthy. So that means increasing my Vit C intake, much more hand washing and lots of hand sanitizer.

I have yet to miss a birth and I really have no desire to begin now!. 

I know I really need to update my doula bag so this week I shall be out refilling it with my essential oils, hot/cold packs, hand massager etc. All to help mommy when the time comes.

I try not to go out of town if possible but this year I am going once again to our family's crab feed at the end of the month.  I will only be 2 hours away and of course I have a back-up ready. I will know more as time gets closer but I start planning now. For this type of thing I am not a last min. person. I like to have my ducks in order (part of my control freak side I guess).

Monday, January 3, 2011

Its a New Year

Welcome 2011!!!

This year I welcomed it in with some very dear friends.  I am glad to close last year out and begin with a fresh start.  As with most lives I have experienced both good and bad in my personal life.  In my work in 2010 I had the privilege of supporting a few women and their families and it brought a lot of happiness my way. 

I am trusting that this year bring much more happiness both in life and in work.  I am finally able to close some doors that needed closing and now that I have done that I believe I can move onto bigger and better things.  I no longer will dwell on things, situations and people I am unable to change. It is rather draining to keep pulling when no change is desired on the other end. 

I am hoping this year, that I am able to devote more time to my work. I begin this year with my first birth in February (a Valentines baby perhaps??). I still believe I am at every birth for a reason.  I want to bring my personal best of course but more than that I want to be able to have them see in me my love for God and the peace in which it has brought me.  If  I can somehow convey that to them in my support for their family then I feel I have done my job. 

Wishing you the best for this New Year.